18:00:44 Create new PHPExcel object
18:00:44 Set document properties
18:00:44 Add some data
18:00:44 Add comments
18:00:44 Add rich-text string
18:00:44 Merge cells
18:00:44 Protect cells
18:00:44 Set cell number formats
18:00:44 Set column widths
18:00:44 Set fonts
18:00:44 Set alignments
18:00:44 Set thin black border outline around column
18:00:44 Set thick brown border outline around Total
18:00:44 Set fills
18:00:44 Set style for header row using alternative method
18:00:44 Unprotect a cell
18:00:44 Add a hyperlink to an external website
18:00:44 Add a hyperlink to another cell on a different worksheet within the workbook
18:00:44 Add a drawing to the worksheet
Fatal error: Uncaught PHPExcel_Exception: File ./images/officelogo.jpg not found! in /home/dirwa/public_html/includes/PHPExcel-1.8/Classes/PHPExcel/Worksheet/Drawing.php:111
Stack trace:
#0 /home/dirwa/public_html/includes/PHPExcel-1.8/Examples/05featuredemo.inc.php(287): PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing->setPath('./images/office...')
#1 /home/dirwa/public_html/includes/PHPExcel-1.8/Examples/21pdf.php(38): include('/home/dirwa/pub...')
#2 {main}
thrown in /home/dirwa/public_html/includes/PHPExcel-1.8/Classes/PHPExcel/Worksheet/Drawing.php on line 111